Workload (CI) Calculator

The charge individuelle (CI) is a measure of a teacher’s workload. A full-time annual workload is considered to be 80 units, but the College may assign up to 85 units before having to compensate a teacher for having an overload. The CI factors in the number of courses taught, the number of different course preparations per semester and the number of students in each class (as of the drop date). There are additional calculations for teachers supervising student fieldwork (stages), with release time, or who have to travel between teaching areas. The complete formula appears in Annex I-1 of the collective agreement.

Department Chairs may wish to estimate teacher CIs when apportioning the teaching resources allocated to the department each semester in order to create equitable individual teacher workloads. It is not a perfect tool, but it is fairly simple and straightforward to use.

The attached Excel file (created and maintained by Alex Panassenko) can be used to calculate CIs.

CI Calculator Spreadsheet April 2024