Our Health Insurance policy refunds emergency medical expenses incurred outside the province of residence at 100% up to $2 000 000 lifetime for trips up to 180 days.
We strongly advise you to take your insurance card with you when you travel. It includes your carrier number, policy number, ID number with La Capitale, and the telephone numbers you will need in case of emergency.
Travel cancellation insurance is also provided up to $5000 per insured person per trip.
Pre-existing Medical Conditions and Travel
Please note that travel insurance coverage may be excluded for medical conditions for which you are hospitalized, receive or are prescribed medical treatment during the 90 days prior to your departure date, unless it is proven to the Insurer’s satisfaction that the insured’s condition is stabilized. A change to a prescription drug, its dosage, or its use is considered medical treatment. It is strongly recommended that persons with serious health problems communicate with La Capitale prior to their departure.
For immediate access to documentation, including claim forms, our contract, rates, and summary of coverage, visit the Beneva webpage.
For more detailed information about our health insurance plan:
- contact Beneva Customer Service.
- contact Amanda Tweedie in Human Resources at John Abbott at local 5050.
- contact the JACFA office